Brooke's Story
As I write this Brooke is 21 months and grooving along well. She is so clever, she has been wearing her hearing aids most of the time like a good little girl and its paying off with her speech. She cant make constanant sounds but is saying some words now. Today she learned to say look, she misses the k, but clearly points as she says it. What a star :). Big progress in the past few weeks is Brooke is taking some steps on her own! Yuss Brooke! Last weeks weigh and measure she is 8kgs and 68.8cm tall, gaining weight well but still a lil shorty. She hasnt had her overnight tube feed in well over 2 weeks and is feeding herself with a bottle overnight. She is becoming a real little madam, loves to hang out with her big brother and sister and is becoming very assertive.
I cant believe how quicky she has progressed lately, shes been a baby for so long and now all of a sudden she is a real little toddler becoming more independant each week. She bumshuffles at the speed of sound now, and is pulling herself to stand. Wont be long till she is letting go and walking off. She is almost there, just needs to get some confidence and she'll be off.
Her cleft surgery is not far away, after that feeding and learning speech will be so much easier for our little girl. At the same time they will put in some grommets and hopefully this will improve her hearing somewhat . Time will tell and I am very excited to see how much difference to her hearin